I haven't paid much attention to "Top Chef" this season, but here goes with a somewhat-live blog:
8 p.m. -- Wow, I think this is the Gail Simmons wedding shower episode. And I just realized that I'm watching a rerun. Oh well, blog on.
8:02 -- Stefan inexplicably has a crush on Jamie. Yech.
8:03 -- This cast includes several well-trimmed beards.
8:05 -- Damn. I just realized I forgot Worcestershire sauce in the meatloaf I'm cooking.
8:06 -- Carla could pass for Scottie Pippen's sister.
8:09 -- Stefan and his Jamie love fall to Hosea in the Quickfire.
8:13 -- Ariane says that because she's married she understands the "Something borrowed..." saying. Memo to Ariane: I'm married and have never heard of it.
8:15 -- Gail's shower. Damn this is pressure.
8:15 -- I like the "Top Chef" Fabio more than the guy on the romance novels.
8:17 -- Carla's anecdote is funny because my wife and I have our own whistling call for locating each other in grocery stores.
8:21 -- Rice is so darn hard to make. I feel for Eugene.
8:32 -- Gail has a lot of friends.
8:33 -- I love it when Tom is stalking around the kitchen, inspecting dishes and scaring the cast.
8:36 -- The editor of Food and Wine has sort of a Julius Caesar haircut, I believe it's called. Kind of like Burt Reynolds in "Deliverance."
8:40 -- Fabio uses his Italian accent to win over the crowd only to fall on his face when it comes time to taste the dish.
8:52 -- My own meatloaf is good. I fear the judges would describe it as "old people food" which is what they said about the dish by Fabio & Co.
8:59 -- And another well-trimmed beard is eliminated.