Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Big picture

The Republican National Convention is part hilarious, part deeply disturbing. The first two full days have been filled with head-scratching comments, tepid applause and a lot of shots of the same five (only five?) 35-year-old women in the crowd.

-By far the most absurd moment of either convention took place on Tuesday. Ohio Rep. John Boehner organized the convention photo, asking that everyone stand still for one to two minutes. The compliant delegates stood statue still, including the expressionless Congressman and all of the dignitaries on stage. It was like an old-fashioned photograph where everyone had to stand motionless for a really long time. If I missed it and the Democrats did anything like this, please leave a comment.

-The music for this convention differs from the Democratic convention. So far, mostly music that sounds like the score from a made-for-TV movie. Then Journey came on. No one really danced to it, just half-heartedly waved their signs back and forth to it.

-A speaker called the Vice Presidential nominee "Sarah Pawlenty," combining the little-known governor's name with the name of one-time VP possibility Tim Pawlenty.

-There's an Abraham Lincoln lookalike in the crowd. You wonder if he got named a delegate just for his costume and beard.

-Finally, full disclosure, I caught a Sen. Obama flub on C-SPAN 2. Speaking in New Philadelphia, Ohio, he called the town "New Pennsylvania."


JayB said...

We watched Rudy G. and Gov. Palin's speeches tonight. Disturbing was a thought that came to mind as we watched the entire place chant "Drill, baby, Drill!". Such shortsightedness.

UptownRooster said...

I like how they're going to end partisan rancor by mocking the work of their opponents--and insulting anyone who works in the community anywhere, which is most everyone.

Erika said...

You noted that the camera seems to keep finding the five 35-year-old women in the crowd -- I think the cameras keep showing the same 3 African-Americans over and over again, too. I think I read that fewer than 2% of the delegates are African-American. It's interesting that the Republicans aren't even trying to pretend they're a diverse party this year. Do you remember the past RNCs when they seemed to trot out every possible minority demographic in an absurd theatre of sorts? I heard one commentator suggest tonight that the Republicans are completely ceding minorities' votes to the Democrats. I find that hard to believe, but everything about this election year has been so bizarre...

Also, more horrible dancing!

UptownRooster said...

I noticed that too. I remember them at least saying they were seeking some African-American and other minority votes four years ago.