Saturday, September 27, 2008

Debate report

Thoughts on last night's debate...

-McCain played the "old" card a lot, even starting with a reference to Eisenhower. He later blasted Obama's experience and referred to a bunch of things he did or observed 20 or 30 years ago. History and experience are important, but if you value history and experience this much how can you choose the least qualified running mate ever?

-McCain uses this rhetorical device of starting statements by saying "My friends." Lieberman does the same thing. No you are not my friend and I won't believe what you're telling me.

-Obama could have made a statement like "John, how can we believe you on this fact when you and your running mate have run a campaign full of lies?" I'm not sure why he didn't--maybe there are too many people who would feel sympathy for the old guy? There are just so many documented lies at this point. Obama did say "Not true, not true" to several of McCain's statements however.

-I agree with the pundits who said Obama held his own on foreign policy. I think John McCain and Sarah Palin not only want another Cold War with Russia, they actually want a real war this time around. I don't think Obama, though, could make this comment because of his initially soft posture toward the Georgia conflict--a posture that generally wasn't well received from what I understand. What else would it be though but war if NATO defended Georgia against Russia? And do you think Putin wouldn't fight back if we sent troops into Georgia?

1 comment:

JayB said...

Amen, Brother Bob!