Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Third down

Tonight's episode of "Project Runway" was a shocker. I really don't have a good sense of who will win this season, but I do believe that THIRD PERSON should not have been eliminated tonight. THIRD PERSON designed a "rock-and-roll" outfit for Jerrell that really wasn't all that bad. Kenley designed a disgusting pair of "mom jeans" for Leanne that were supposed to be "hip-hop." Not only were the jeans an affront to hip-hop, they were an affront to all fashion. The inexplicable high-risers wouldn't be appropriate for any genre.

There were many other times earlier this season when I thought THIRD PERSON should have been eliminated but not tonight. So THIRD PERSON departs leaving us with four survivors. Really, this season feels like Stephen King's early novel "The Long Walk."


arafura14 said...

I can't believe that LL allowed the creator of that hip-hop outfit to survive. Just wrong, wrong!!! He deserved veto power on that one!

Erika said...

I am no fan of THIRD PERSON (I actually think he should have been gone about three challenges ago), but I agree -- based on last night's performance, Kenley should have been aufed.

Check out the boys at for their funny take on it. They think it was bullshit, too.