I gave up on the "Runway" finale tonight to focus on the debate. Here are some thoughts:
8:03 - The little desk and chairs look like the set of a debate parody rather than the set of an actual debate.
8:09 - Sen. Obama gets the first laugh by saying that Sen. McCain has been "watching ads of Sen. McCain's."
8:11 - Sen. McCain looks unhinged tonight.
8:13 - He wants to spread the wealth by cutting taxes to the rich. Huh?
8:18 - Ethanol: you can't start a new talking point this late in the election.
8:19 - I hope Adler Planetarium does get a new projector.
8:25 - Ooh, "The Say It to His Face" segment.
8:28 - Sen. McCain sometimes seems a decent person, but the smears against Sen. Obama indeed have been awful by him and Gov. Palin.
8:30 - Ooh, Sen. McCain says Sen. Obama attacked his healthcare plan. And then admits to being an Arizona Cardinals fan--shocking!
8:39 - I just think the Ayers meme is a loser for McCain.
8:40 - Yeah, Bob Schieffer. He serves up an Obama softball on "why is your running mate qualified to be president?" Sen. Obama executes a reverse windmill double-pump slam dunk in Sen. McCain's face.
8:42 - I'm shooting holes into everything Sen. McCain says about Gov. Palin. Take this one: "She's a reformer." Oh yeah, a reformer who uses her power to wrongly fire people. Who accepts pork barrel projects only to renounce them. Who was for the Bridge before she was against it. That's a reformer.
8:46 - Schieffer is ruling this debate with an iron fist.
8:49 - If all the Obama-Biden signs I saw in rural West Virginia and Virginia this weekend are an indicator, this will be a landslide in November.
9:00 - Sen. McCain uses the "my friend" device.
9:05 - Sen. McCain just called Sen. Obama "Senator Government" by mistake.
9:12 - Once and for all: 'present' votes are common in Illinois, one of the few states that offer this option.
9:24 - Um, Sarah Palin's child has Down Syndrome, not autism. Get it straight.