Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Senator impaling

I gave up on the "Runway" finale tonight to focus on the debate. Here are some thoughts:

8:03 - The little desk and chairs look like the set of a debate parody rather than the set of an actual debate.

8:09 - Sen. Obama gets the first laugh by saying that Sen. McCain has been "watching ads of Sen. McCain's."

8:11 - Sen. McCain looks unhinged tonight.

8:13 - He wants to spread the wealth by cutting taxes to the rich. Huh?

8:18 - Ethanol: you can't start a new talking point this late in the election.

8:19 - I hope Adler Planetarium does get a new projector.

8:25 - Ooh, "The Say It to His Face" segment.

8:28 - Sen. McCain sometimes seems a decent person, but the smears against Sen. Obama indeed have been awful by him and Gov. Palin.

8:30 - Ooh, Sen. McCain says Sen. Obama attacked his healthcare plan. And then admits to being an Arizona Cardinals fan--shocking!

8:39 - I just think the Ayers meme is a loser for McCain.

8:40 - Yeah, Bob Schieffer. He serves up an Obama softball on "why is your running mate qualified to be president?" Sen. Obama executes a reverse windmill double-pump slam dunk in Sen. McCain's face.

8:42 - I'm shooting holes into everything Sen. McCain says about Gov. Palin. Take this one: "She's a reformer." Oh yeah, a reformer who uses her power to wrongly fire people. Who accepts pork barrel projects only to renounce them. Who was for the Bridge before she was against it. That's a reformer.

8:46 - Schieffer is ruling this debate with an iron fist.

8:49 - If all the Obama-Biden signs I saw in rural West Virginia and Virginia this weekend are an indicator, this will be a landslide in November.

9:00 - Sen. McCain uses the "my friend" device.

9:05 - Sen. McCain just called Sen. Obama "Senator Government" by mistake.

9:12 - Once and for all: 'present' votes are common in Illinois, one of the few states that offer this option.

9:24 - Um, Sarah Palin's child has Down Syndrome, not autism. Get it straight.


Erika said...

Great observations! But sportshrike, really, you know all disabilities are the same -- Downs Syndrome, autism, cretinism, what's the diff? In McCain's mind, they're all Not Like Us. And of course, Sarah Palin is a "special needs expert" by virtue of having a baby with Downs Syndrome for all of 5 months... nevermind that she has cut Alaska's budget for human services (including services for people with disabilities).

Seriously, though, my blood pressure went through the roof during the debate last night... McCain lies, lies, lies.

And finally, I had no idea that your spouse had also palled around with terrorists! She's actually met Bill Ayers!?! Worked down the hall from him?!? There go her lofty dreams of elected office. You must be a terrorist by association, too, as you LIVE with someone who pals around with terrorists.

UptownRooster said...

Thanks for the great comments! My spouse and I are undoubtedly terrorist-loving liberal East Coast media elites because of our associations with UIC, Chicago and the media. I'm going to go read a few liberal smear blogs like, and now. Then I'm going to renew my subscriptions to Mother Jones, The Progressive and The New Republic.